In Memoriam: John Tamisiea | Partner, Chicago - McDermott Will & Emery

In Memoriam: John Tamisiea | Partner, Chicago


John Tamisiea, a partner in our Chicago Transactions Practice Group, was trusted and admired at McDermott as a lawyer, colleague and friend. For nearly 35 years, he was the quintessential go-to person for both clients and colleagues, always ready with an empathetic ear and sage counsel. He could brighten any room with his wonderful sense of humor, and he particularly enjoyed the kind of laugh that required him to remove his glasses to wipe away tears. As a gifted teacher, he mentored countless younger lawyers over the years with endless care, patience and support – and he beamed with pride when he spoke of his own kids’ accomplishments and milestones. We are grateful for the excellence he demonstrated, the nurturing he gave and the joy he sparked, and we are profoundly saddened by his loss. Our deepest condolences to his family, friends and loved ones.

Please click here for John’s obituary.