International law firm McDermott Will & Emery is pleased to announce it has been named to Bloomberg Law’s second Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Framework. McDermott is one of 43 US-based law firms recognized for diversity-related metrics and distinguished performance against six core pillars: demographics, leadership and talent pipeline, recruitment and retention, business innovation and strategy, marketing and diversity & inclusion in the community.
“We are committed to elevating and amplifying the voices that reflect equity, diversity and inclusion within our Firm,” Anthony Upshaw, Global Head of Diversity & Inclusion at McDermott, said. “We continue to prioritize developing comprehensive policies and programming that enable us to attract, nurture, retain and promote top talent from a wide range of backgrounds, and we are incredibly proud to be recognized once again as a 2022 Member Firm of the DEI Framework.”
The DEI Framework is a listing of law firms that meet or exceed an established threshold of diversity, equity and inclusion in their firm. Standardized disclosure of diversity-related data allows firms to attract and retain talent, and also allows companies looking to procure legal services to easily compare law firms from a supplier diversity standpoint. Bloomberg Law’s DEI Framework was developed in 2021 in collaboration with Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index team, as well as diversity leads at corporations and US-based law firms. Performance was assessed across more than 85 metrics, each associated with one of the framework’s six core pillars.
More information about the Bloomberg Law 2022 DEI Framework, the methodology, and a full list of members is available here.
About McDermott
McDermott Will & Emery partners with leaders around the world to fuel missions, knock down barriers and shape markets. Our team works seamlessly across practices and industries to deliver highly effective solutions that propel success. More than 1,200 lawyers strong, we bring our personal passion and legal prowess to bear in every matter for our clients and the people they serve.