AI Risk Management 101 - McDermott Will & Emery

AI Risk Management 101


Download the takeaways here.

Download the deck here.

Healthcare is rapidly changing, with artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithmic models leading the transformation. In recent years, big data and machine learning algorithms have revolutionized our ability to predict diagnoses and outcomes and tailor treatments with increasing precision.

In just the past few months, applications for generative AI and large language models in healthcare have surfaced both transformative advancements and complex ethical and legal challenges. As AI’s potential role in healthcare expands at an unprecedented rate, it is increasingly clear that no one-size-fits-all policy can address the complexities of this dynamic space. Join us as digital health strategists and algorithmic auditors from O’Neil Risk Consulting & Algorithmic Auditing (ORCAA), an algorithmic risks consulting company for AI and automated systems, unravel the challenges and provide the tools you need to conceptualize and manage these risks effectively.

Minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) credit is pending in California, Illinois and New York. A Multi-Jurisdiction Certificate of Attendance will be made available to participants requesting MCLE credit in all other jurisdictions, depending upon that state’s rules. To be eligible to earn a CLE certificate, you must attend the entire program. Credit for partial attendance will not be provided.


  • Jake Appel, Chief Strategist, ORCAA – Email
  • Cathy O’Neil, Founder & CEO, ORCAA – Email

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