Exploring Consumer Engagement with Precision Medicine - McDermott

Exploring Consumer Engagement with Precision Medicine


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Precision medicine is changing the game in areas such as genetic testing, research engagement and lab arrangements. In the third and final program of our precision health series, our lawyers will join executives from Color Genomics and AllStripes—innovative health tech, diagnostic and research companies advancing the field of precision medicine—to explore the various stages of the engagement lifecycle in direct-to-consumer, B2B and B2B2C business models. The roundtable panel will examine core business values around transparency and data privacy, considerations for engaging consumers in research, common legal and regulatory challenges, and the current legislative landscape with respect to the development or implementation of direct-to-consumer precision medicine services arrangements and platforms.

Our panelists will discuss:

  • Recent developments in precision medicine arrangements and potential future trends
  • The role of research in transforming personalized treatment plans and attendant operational and regulatory considerations
  • Privacy and data use issues in direct-to-consumer testing
  • The current and future regulatory landscape for consumer protection issues
  • The role of the Federal Trade Commission and the US Food and Drug Administration in precision medicine

Registration Information

12:30pm – 1:30pm EDT

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New York, NY / McDermott Event / October 17, 2024

HPE NYC 2024

London, United Kingdom / McDermott Event / September 19, 2024

HPE Europe 2024

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