Social Outcomes Conference 2021 - McDermott Will & Emery

Social Outcomes Conference 2021


Ranajoy Basu will be speaking at the Social Outcomes Conference, leading a panel session on Evidence and Insights from India’s Experience with Paying for Outcomes.

The conference aims to bring together the rigour of the most recent, cutting-edge academic research with an applied, real-world focus and will be an opportunity for participants to engage in vibrant exchanges between both policymakers, practitioners and academics from around the world, each with their own experience and insights on improving social outcomes.

This year’s conference is built around five key themes:

  • Outcomes-based contracting
  • Outcomes orientation
  • Measuring outcomes and value for money
  • Procurement and social value
  • Government, business and civil society collaboration in places

These themes are all underpinned by a single core question: how can government combine its multiple roles – sometimes as provider, funder, facilitator, and regulator – to support activity which improves social outcomes?

Registration Information

2 pm – 5 pm BST

Government Outcomes Lab, University of Oxford

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