Telehealth Employment Issues: Independent Contractors & Risk - McDermott

Telehealth Employment Issues: Independent Contractors and other Potential Risk Areas


The expansion of telehealth presents new employment considerations and potential pitfalls for provider organizations, particularly those operating across state lines. Among other challenges, telehealth providers are tasked with calibrating their employment and hiring practices to account for multistate licensure and widely varying state definitions of “contractor.”

In this third installment of our webinar series, we’ll equip employers with the knowledge they need to mitigate risks and ensure compliance throughout their organizations. Here are just a few of the critical topics we’ll cover:

  • Independent contractor classification and the state laws that may apply to your organization
  • The outlook for contractor reform under the Biden administration, and how regulatory change could affect provider employment dynamics
  • Licensure pathways and recruiting strategies that minimize potential liability
  • State tax ramifications of telehealth

Access the takeaways here.
Access the slides here.

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