Global Antitrust MA Landscape: In-House Counsel Need to Know - McDermott

The Global Antitrust M&A Landscape: What In-House Counsel Need to Know


What’s changing in the global antitrust M&A landscape? On September 10, join McDermott’s panel of antitrust and competition lawyers as we discuss the developments on competition law review of M&A transactions in the United States, Europe and other key countries. Knowing these trends will help you make the best decisions moving forward in 2019 and beyond.

Our agenda includes insightful analysis of the following topics:

  • Recent priorities and developments from the US Federal Trade Commission, Department of Justice, European Commission and other key agencies on subjects such as the merger review process and consent order settlement standards and practices
  • Lessons learned from agency merger challenges over the past year
  • Developments in contract litigation over antitrust efforts provisions in failed mergers

For more information, please contact Julia Berman. To listen to the webinar on-demand, please click here.



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Registration Information

12:00pm – 1:00pm (EST)
