Relativity Fest 2021 - McDermott Will & Emery

Relativity Fest 2021


Director of Technology Services, Martha Louks, was invited to be a guest keynote speaker at Relativity Fest, an e-discovery conference. She joins Relativity’s CEO, Mike Gamson, and Chief Product Officer, Chris Brown, as they dig into the changing shape of data and how it is a catalyst for the latest innovation in e-discovery software. In this video, Martha discusses the technical and analytical challenges presented by short message data, e.g. texts, chats, and communications from collaboration platforms. She emphasizes the need for industry best practices and standards to drive innovation in technology that helps lawyers gain an early understanding of facts for their cases.

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Martha K. Louks

Director of Technology Services | Washington, DC

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Get In Touch

Martha K. Louks

Director of Technology Services | Washington, DC

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