Assessing the Recent Claims Against Sellers & Other Non-Trustees

Assessing the Recent Claims Against Sellers and Other Non-Trustees in Lawsuits Relating to ESOPs


Increasingly, sellers of stock and others who customarily have not been named as defendants alongside ESOP Trustees are being sued in lawsuits relating to ESOPs. Join Chris Nemeth, Jane Kim and Brigid McCarthy on the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) webinar “Assessing the Recent Claims Against Sellers and Other Non-Trustees in Lawsuits Relating to ESOPs”, where they will review this trend and discuss how to protect against and defend such lawsuits.

This webinar is for ESOP company directors, officers and management at all levels, ESOP Committee members, sellers of stock to or purchasers of stock from ESOPs, investors in ESOP companies, outside and inside ESOP trustees, and advisors and service providers to ESOP companies and ESOP fiduciaries.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Review the types of claims brought against sellers, company directors and officers, outside investors, and other non-trustees in recent lawsuits relating to ESOPs.
  2. Understand the types of situations that can give rise to such claims.
  3. Learn how to protect against and defend such lawsuits.

This webinar is free to NCEO members. Not a member? Join today and gain access to future webinars.

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