Negotiating Follow-on Cartel Damages Claims - McDermott

Düsseldorf Competition Law Panel: Negotiating Follow-on Cartel Damages Claims


Follow-on cartel damages claims raise difficult legal and evidentiary questions that lead to long drawn-out court proceedings and a high degree of uncertainty for all parties involved. Often long term supply and customer relationships are affected.

When are negotiations a preferred solution? How do you approach these systematically? What do you have to watch out for strategically, tactically and in settlement agreements?

Five experts in competition law and negotiations will discuss and share their experiences from different perspectives

  • Prof. Dr. Christian Kersting LL.M. – Institute for Competition Law, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
  • Christian Krohs LL.M., Partner, Competition Law – McDermott Will & Emery
  • Dr. Tilman Makatsch, Head of Competition Litigation & Antitrust Economics – Deutsche Bahn
  • Dr. René Pfromm LL.M., Negotiation Expert – pfromm negotiations
  • Stephan Purps LL.M., Director Legal – BASF

Save your space and register by the 12 September 2019 via email to Ms. Victoria Zolotar at In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or call +49 211 30211 220.

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