Family Office Symposium 2023 - McDermott Will & Emery

Family Office Symposium 2023


McDermott brought together more than 250 family office executives to connect and exchange ideas at our annual Family Office Symposium in New York City from May 15 – 17, 2023. This invitation-only event featured interactive presentations, breakout sessions and peer panel discussions covering the most pressing issues facing family offices.

Discussion topics included:

  • Current tax and regulatory developments impacting family offices
  • Trends in family office compensation and structures
  • Challenges of making and administering charitable gifts at death
  • Recent developments and litigation trends related to a general federal wealth tax
  • Preparing for the reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)
  • Planning for the rollback of estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exemptions
  • Impact of the IRS Strategic Operating Plan on family offices
  • Moderated peer panel discussions on family office and Private Trust Company operations and investment trends


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