Global Anticorruption & Compliance Summit 2024 - McDermott Will & Emery

Global Anticorruption & Compliance Summit 2024


Nicolette Kost De Sèvres speaks at GACS 2024 on a detailed roundtable discussing “The Responsibility of Executives in Terms of Compliance: What’s the Impact on Governance?”

Executives and non-executives alike are responsible for the social and environmental performance and ‘good conduct’ of their companies.

Any deviation can have direct reputational and financial repercussions, whether on the share price or not, and on their civil or criminal liability.

In this age of sustainability, duty of care, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering laws, the 2024-25 version being ‘XXL’, isn’t compliance a pillar of tomorrow’s governance and protection for executives?

To learn more about this event (held in French), please click here.

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