Global Anticorruption & Compliance Summit 2023 - McDermott Will & Emery

Global Anticorruption & Compliance Summit 2023


Business & Compliance: From Economic Warfare to Cooperative Sovereignty – France, European Union and United States. What are the Current Challenges for Companies, their Managers, their Legal and Compliance Directors?

Instrument of economic warfare on an American offensive, hasn compliance become a useful device in relations between French, European and American authorities? In 2022, France’s relationship with its longtime ally became much warmer. The United States is now the leading foreign investor in France. What is the impact of this cooperation on companies’ compliance programs (anti-corruption, money laundering, etc.)? What relationships need to be buillt with competition authorities? What are the consequences for the application of international sanctions? Legal and compliance directors, what recommendations should you give to your CEO?

For more information and to register please click here

Please note that this event will be held in French.

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