GILTI and Subpart F High Tax Exception Regulations (New Guidance Pt. 1)

Virtual Tax Forum | GILTI and Subpart F High Tax Exception Regulations: Practical Aspects and Implications


The final and proposed regulations under sections 951A and 954 of the US Internal Revenue Code contain certain rules that may present planning opportunities—or possibly onerous results—depending on a taxpayer’s specific fact pattern.

During this program, we illustrated some of the benefits and drawbacks that may arise from these regulations, and provided practical considerations that will help you navigate the decision as to whether to make an election to apply the global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) high-tax exclusion. We discussed:

  • Key considerations when deciding to make the election to apply the GILTI high-tax exclusion
  • Who is most likely to benefit from making this election
  • Main reasons to not elect to apply the GILTI high-tax exclusion
  • Traps for the unwary in the proposed subpart F high-tax exclusion regulations

Stay tuned for our additional upcoming programming. Registration details forthcoming.

Questions? Contact Callie Forkenbrock.

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