Remote Working 2022: Global Trends | McDermott

Remote Working 2022: Global Trends

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In a global interview panel led by McDermott Will & Emery, New York-based partner Lindsay Ditlow, and London-based partners Paul McGrath and Katie Clark discuss how remote work has shifted to become the new norm across the globe in Lexology Getting The Deal Through, Market Intelligence. The authors explain how an employer can better prepare for the continuation of remote work and the legal implications that come with remote work based on different geographic requirements. Not following the applicable jurisdiction laws can lead to liability for wages, hours and time off entitlements.

Remote Working 2022: Global Trends

Remote Working 2022: United States

Remote Working 2022: United Kingdom

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Lexology GTDT Market Intelligence – Remote Working 2022. For further information, please visit