2022 PS Plan Progress Web Series: Student Loan Debt Benefits | McDermott

2022 PS Plan Progress Webinar Series: Student Loan Debt Benefits


Employees burdened with student loan debt might feel limited in their ability to save for retirement. As financial worries can affect employee productivity, and retirement insecurity can affect workforce management, employers often consider how they can help employees with student loan debt management.

Join PLANSPONSOR and a panel of experts to learn:

  • What options are available for student loan debt benefits, their structure and cost
  • How student loan repayment help fits into an employer’s overall financial wellness benefits
  • What communications employees need about student loan debt and saving for retirement and more

You won’t want to miss the last iteration of PLANSPONSOR’s 2022 Plan Progress webinar series!

The webinar will be in a Q&A format with Amy Resnick, Executive Editor of PLANSPONSOR, as the moderator.

Registration Information


11:00 am (PST)
12:00 pm (MDT)
1:00 pm (CDT)
2:00 pm (EDT)



Moderator: Amy Resnick, Executive Editor, PLANSPONSOR