Sanctions: EU, France, Germany, What's New? - McDermott Will & Emery

Sanctions: EU, France, Germany, What’s New?


McDermott partnered with Concurrences and CRA to present an in-depth webinar dedicated to the recent developments of antitrust sanctions in the European Union, France and Germany.

Paul Nihoul (Judge at the GCEU), Andreas Mundt (Chair of the BKA) and Fabienne Siredey-Garnier (VP at Autorité) led a panel discussion, together with partners Frédéric Pradelles (Paris), Hendrik Viaene (Brussels), Christan Krohs (Germany) and Oliver Latham (CRA London) focusing on what companies need to know about the new French and German fining guidelines in cartel proceedings in the light of EU competition law.

For more information please click here.

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