International News: Spotlight on the Energy Industry


In a joint statement issued in June this year, the G7 nations pledged to support a “green revolution that creates jobs, cuts emissions and seeks to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees,” and committed to “net zero no later than 2050, halving our collective emissions over the two decades to 2030.”

The renewable energy sector is at the front of this green revolution. The demands of the transition to net zero are causing unprecedented impacts on fields as diverse as competition law and employee unionization, are being granted major significance in once-in-a-generation national projects such as the $2.3 Trillion American Jobs Infrastructure Plan, or are the focus of multi-national collaborations such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations power grid system.

Renewable energy is no longer considered a niche investment and there are myriad opportunities in new technologies or the repurposing of old technology, such as using green ammonia to transport hydrogen.

But the old ways aren’t dead yet, and our current reliance on oil means there is still a need for astute investment in this sector to make hydrocarbons cleaner and more efficient until net zero is achieved.


US Renewables: Investment Opportunities Persist in Unconventional Places

Christopher Gladbach | Seth B. Doughty

Apart from a few challenges, the sellers’ market in renewable energy is accelerating under the Biden administration, leading international investors to seek opportunities in non-traditional investments. Read more.

The US$2.3 Trillion American Jobs Infrastructure Plan

Elle Hayes | Dominique J. Torsiello | Carl J. Fleming | Ranajoy Basu

In March this year, US President Joe Biden unveiled the American Jobs Plan, the first of a two-part infrastructure package to revive the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic and the second stage of President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda. Read more.

Recent Developments in the South East Asia Renewables Market

Despite considerable challenges, South East Asia is pulling out all the stops to transition to primarily renewable energy in the coming years. Read more.

Green Ammonia: At the Intersection of Petrochemicals and the Energy Transition

Parker A. Lee

As the world seeks to transition to a lower carbon economy, replacing traditional hydrocarbon-based transport fuels in the automobile, aviation, and shipping industries will be important. Read more.

Clean Energy Employers are the New Target for Organised Labour

Saniya Ahmed

Employers in the clean energy sector should be prepared to consider how changes to the US labour landscape are likely to impact their workforce. Read more.

Competition Policy and the European Green Deal: A Pathway Towards Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency

Hendrik Viaene | David Henry

EU competition rules—particularly State aid, merger control, and antitrust rules—are playing a key role in supporting the goals of the European Green Deal. Read more.

Not Yet the End for Hydrocarbons

There has there been significant activity in the Asian upstream market this year. Who is buying mature oil fields, and why? Read more.

English High Court Sanctions Restructuring of DTEK Group

Mark Fennessy | Sunay Radia | Alexander Andronikou

The recent restructuring of DTEK Group provides guidance regarding the English High Court’s position on challenges to the international effectiveness of schemes of arrangement and/or restructuring plans post-Brexit. Read more.