McDermott Advises NORD Holding on the acquisition of ABJ

McDermott Advises NORD Holding on the acquisition of ABJ alive and on the financing of the acquisition


Munich, February 22, 2024 – With a team led by Holger Ebersberger and Thomas Diekmann, McDermott Will & Emery has advised NORD Holding on the acquisition of a stake in ABJ alive GmbH (ABJ) as part of an owner buy-out.

McDermott also advised on the financing of the acquisition. The finance team is lead by Matthias Weissinger.

Together with ABJ, NORD Holding is planning a European growth strategy in the field of contract manufacturing for premium nutritional supplements. ABJ founder Anna-Bettina Jürges will retain a stake in the company and will support the company’s development from the advisory board in the future.

Founded in 2010, ABJ is a leading contract manufacturer and development partner (CDMO) for companies in the field of natural, plant-based and probiotic food supplements. The company has a production site in Creußen and employs around 60 people.

NORD Holding is a private equity and asset management company with assets under management of €3 billion. The focus of the direct business is on the structuring and financing of corporate succession models, the acquisition of group divisions/subsidiaries and the expansion financing of medium-sized companies. The fund investments unit targets the micro and small cap segment of mid-market-oriented private equity funds in Europe.

The investment was carried out by the NORD Holding Healthcare team and underlines the sector expertise in healthcare and B2B contract manufacturing.

McDermott recently advised NORD Holding on the acquisition of the Swiss Suter Group by NORD Holding’s portfolio company Heizkurier.

The McDermott team advising NORD Holding comprised Holger Ebersberger, Thomas Diekmann, Matthias Weissinger, Jana Grieb, Christian Rolf, Florian Schiefer, Kian Tauser, Maximilian MeyerDeniz Tschammler, Manuel Weiß, Nicole Kaps, Berfin Sahin, Armin Teymouri, Franziska Sauer, Simon Apelojg, Adrian Helfenstein, Katharina Hoffmeister, Ilva Woeste and Laura Sollacher.

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